Monday, November 17, 2008

A Missionary Family In Need

P, just went on and returned from a mission trip about a month ago. They were in and around Cuetzelan, Mexico. There are two missionary families there. One of which came to our church and preached. He and his family have been missionaries for quite some time and there finances are fairly stable. They have many faithful financial backers.

The other family is in the opposite situation. They have only been missionaries for a few years and some of the churches that were backing them stopped, when gas prices began to escelate so much. I'm sure this was because the people at their churches were not giving as much. Anyway, this family has 4 children and really need help in the area of finances. All of the guys gave him money before they came home, but we would really like to do more. I'm trying to come up with ways of raising funds for them so that we can help them in a big way. Please let me know if you are interested in helping them with a one time gift or monthly support and I will get you the information you need, also please let me know if you have some fundraising ideas.

Thanks and be blessed!

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