Sunday, September 27, 2009

Some Cleaning Recipes

I am very interested these days in things we can make instead of buy. Don't know why exactly, but maybe partially because I am more concerened about chemicals and cost. Or it's just a season where I want to be a little more Suzy Homemaker. THIS blog post had several recipes that I might just have to try.


trooppetrie said...

what blogpost was it. i made homemade dishwasher soap today, i can not wait to try it out this afternoon

Kristie @ Me and My House said...

Go back into my post and click on the word THIS. It might be the same one that I sent you. I have considered making my owen dishwasher detergent, but I've read that it makes peoples glasses cloudy and leaves a film on the dishes. I think I read that putting vinegar in the rinse resevoir helps cut down on that. Let me know how it works and I might try it myself.

trooppetrie said...

i heard vinegar and also adding some salt can help