Monday, May 31, 2010

WW Weigh-In #9

I lost 4.4 lbs. this week! So excited. I felt a whole lot better, too. I'm telling you my body has decided to rebel about things that are unhealthy. Saturday night my step-son and his fiance were here and he wanted some good country cooking. Thankfully I had eaten a very low pt. breakfast and lunch and really not snacked that day, so I did pretty well with country fried steak, a biscuit, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes and low fat banana pudding. The problem came on Sunday when I had a steak biscuit for breakfast, a hamburger, brat and cookie for lunch (we were eating at my Mom's, another menu beyond my control event) and another cookie at supper. I felt AWFUL! Just gross. I did not get my fruits and veggies in so all that was on my stomach was meat, bread and sugar and my body did not like it. The great thing is that it is more incentive for me to stay on the right path. I've now lost 13 lbs. I need to lose .8 more to be where I was before vacation prep and vacation. I sure am ready for that 15 lb. mark and then the 20!


Go For It Creations and Designs said...

You're doing great! Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

I'm so proud of you!