Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Kids Room Cleaning Zones

I read this on a website yesterday. I think it may have been . I decided to try to implement it. I think my kids will be less overwhelmed. It breaks their rooms down into different zones that they clean each day.
This is what I came up with for my 9 year old twin girls shared bedroom:
Monday – Laundry – Take all of your dirty clothes downstairs and sort them. Put away clean clothes (ask Mom if you’re not sure where they belong). Take out any clothes that you know don’t fit or are torn and give them to Mom.
Tuesday – Dressers – Clean off the top of dressers. Straighten drawers.

Wednesday – Toy Boxes (Barbie box, Dress up box and toy box) – Remove any toys that are broken and bring them to Mom. Take out anything else that doesn’t belong in them and put in the correct place.

Thursday – Bed – Clean out from under the bed. Put anything that doesn’t belong in the correct place. If your covers are messed up, then remake your bed correctly.

Friday – Chifforobe - Straighten drawers and shelves. Remove anything that doesn’t belong and put away. Make sure the door will close.

Saturday – Floor – If you keep up with your other chores daily and keep up with minor daily maintenance, the floor should be easy. Place dirty laundry in baskets; throw away trash, put away toys, clothes and shoes.
Bench – Make sure throws and pillows are where they belong on the bench. Fix canopy over bench.

Daily –
Keep a trash can with a bag in it at all times. Throw trash away as soon as you see it. Empty trash as soon as you see it is full.
Always put dirty clothes in the basket as soon as you take them off.
Put away toys and books as soon as you are finished using them.
Make your bed as soon as you get up.
When you leave the room and when you first come back in pick up what you see is out and it will not get messy.

This is for my 5 year old sons room. Of course someone will have to read it to him and help him implement some of it.
Monday – Laundry – Take all your dirty clothes downstairs. Make sure your clean clothes are in thebasket so Mom can put them away.
Tuesday – Red Toy Box – Make sure there is nothing in there that does not belong, if there is, then put it away. Take out broken toys and take them to Mom.
Wednesday – Blue Toy Box - Make sure there is nothing in there that does not belong, if there is, then put it away. Take out broken toys and take them to Mom.
Thursday – Beds – Clean out from under and behind your beds. Put everything where it belongs. Ask for help making up your beds.
Friday – Trunk & Dresser – Clean off your trunk and dresser. Put everything that is on them away.
Saturday – Closet – Make sure there is nothing in there that does not belong, if there is, then put it away. Straighten it up so it looks nice.
Daily –
Make your bed every morning before you come downstairs.
Put your dirty clothes in the basket when you take them off.
Put your toys up when you are finished playing with them.
Every time you leave your room and when you first come back in pick up whatever you see in the floor.

Who knows, if I find this works well for them, I may try it in my own room. I definitely feel less overwhelmed when jobs are broken down into smaller tasks for me. It makes it seem more attainable than to think I have to have the whole house done all at once or even that I have to finish the whole room at once. Besides, if we implement this and follow it, the rooms shouldn't really even get very messy

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