Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Sharing About Anxiety

Pretzel Family

Aug. 8, 2007 - Finally Shared!!
I had the opportunity to share my testimony about the Lord freeing me from anxiety with a young friend. I didn't get into a really detailed conversation about my past, but I shared the major stuff and all of the things that I had to do in order for the Lord to free me. I shared about releasing control and trusting the Lord. I also told her that praying about it and claiming a few verses was not enough for me, the only way that ever worked was if I prayed, claimed and read the Word all the way through. What I mean is I couldn't just say a prayer and repeat a couple of verses and have it immediately go away, but if I stayed persistent and prayed, claimed and read without ceasing until the anxiety was gone, then I felt peaceful. Then I felt victorious and it would always be a longer stretch of time before it would happen again. I had to do that so many times and I had to remind myself that at least for a while the harder I fought with the Lord's help the harder the enemy was going to fight to keep me in that bondage. I hope to one of these days be able to sit down and spill it all and really share a detailed testimony of what the Lord has delivered me from. For now though I'm just excited that God gave me the words when I didn't think I had them and even though it was all coming so fast, it still made sense to her.
So, please continue to pray that I will feel more and more confident about sharing. Because, I feel that so many women (mom's especially) are secretly fighting this same bondage.

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