Thursday, July 23, 2009

Weight Watching Day 2

Yesterday went really well, even with the hubby's birthday. He had a good day by the way, and we will celebrate with family tomorrow night. I had another slim fast shake for breakfast, then lunch at Wendy's where I had chilli, crackers and salad. I had cherries for snack and then a piece of my husband's birthday cookie. I wasn't hungry for supper, so I just had some honey wheat pretzels and some more cherries. I woke up in the middle of the night because of some strange dreams and was feeling a little hungry so I had some regular pretzels. It was kind of a crazy day, so not a lot of normal eating, but I was still within my points range and got in all of my fruits and veggies and really only felt hungry in the middle of the night. I did make it to the grocery store yesterday, so I have a few more options now. I'm about to head out to spend some time with a friend then home to get some work done. Gotta finish getting the house clean for company tomorrow.

I pray everyone has a fabulous day!

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