Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Wooing My Children

I just had a friend over. The purpose was to talk homeschool. We are both using Math U See for the first time this year and she is trying to integrate more literature in their schooling. We talked some about building relationship with our children. Isn't it interesting that we pour all of our time and resources into our children because we love them so much, but we get so busy that we forget to get to know them. I adore my children, but I'm not sure they know that.
God has really been showing me how much work I need to do in that area. My 5 year old so graciously told me the other day that "Daddy is the funnest one". I used to be fun! What happened. I think a lot of things, busyness, strictness, homeschool, etc. Wow, did it somehow become more important to me for my children to be well behaved, than it is for me to hang out with them and love on them. Maybe it did, but it's sure not going to stay that way. Just like any other relationship we have it has to be nurtured. We need to woo our children. I need to be likeable to them and show them all my good qualities, so they will not just love me because I am their mom, but be in love with me.
Lord, teach me to know my children and make myself known to them. Help me to be real with them, so they see who I really am. Help me to be a daily example to them, not just in my words, but even more in my actions. Thank you for conviction Lord, without it these changes may have come to late. Thank you for covering my weaknesses. I love you Lord Jesus and I give all the praise, honor and glory!!!!! Amen

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