Monday, June 7, 2010

WW Weigh-In #10

I lost 2 lbs. this week. Which brings me to a total of 15. Yay! Because of vacation I did have to adjust some of my goals. I had wanted to lost 25 lbs. by camp in the beginning of July, but it looks like I'll be more in the 20 lb. range and that's okay with me. 20 lbs. lighter than I was at camp last year is not too shabby. I may still be able to reach my 30 lb. goal for my anniversary. I sure hope so. One of my goals in all of this is to become more comfortable with my body for my hubby's sake. He's such a sweetie and really loves me the way that I am. He still looks at me as if I'm the same size and shape that I was when we married, but I'm so uncomfortable with myself that I'm so reserved. I just don't put myself out there very much. He's so very patient with all of that, but he deserves better. Hope that wasn't TMI, but it's all the truth.

I did fudge a little this week. I knew yesterday would be a weird eating day, so I weighed yesterday morning instead of today, so I wouldn't have a wonky weigh-in today and I could make up for it the rest of the week. Just knew I'd be eating a lot of sodium and didn't want retaining water to hinder my numbers.

Hope you all have a fabulous Monday!

1 comment:

Jena Webber said...

You are continuing to make us all feel like slobs, but good job!